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  2. Frequently Asked Questions

Change the submission limit on your action

Actions are limited to receiving 50 submissions per supporter each day by default, but you can change this limit to fit your campaign.

1. On the Edit tab of your action, open Advanced > Form Configuration.

Advanced > Form Configuration-png-1

2. Scroll to the 'Per user submission limit' section:

3. You can select from two options:

  • Unlimited to remove any limits on the number of submissions each supporter can make.
  • Limit each user to a number of submissions that you enter, along with a submission frequency:
    • ever: the limit you set above lasts for the duration of your campaign.
    • every minute: the submission limit resets after a minute.
    • every 5 minutes: the limit resets after 5 minutes.
    • every hour: the limit resets after an hour.
    • every day: the limit resets after a day (24 hours).
    • every week: the limit resets after a week.

4. Scroll to the end and click on the 'Save configuration' button to complete the process.


Last updated: October 3, 2023