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  2. Get Started with New/Mode v2

How do I add contacts in V2?

You can add contacts for folks who maybe haven't participated in your campaigns (yet!) but want to hear from your organization

Add Contacts individually

On the Contacts page, click the 'Add Contact(s)' button on the right side and select the 'Add a contact' option:

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This will take you to the Add a Contact page, where you can fill out contact details manually to create a new contact. You'll need to add a phone number or an email address for the person, and can fill in as many or as few other fields as you'd like, including selecting one or more of your campaigns to associate the person with that/those group(s).

Click the 'Save Contact' button and you're done!

Add Contacts in bulk

If you're looking to add more than a handful of contacts, you can add them in bulk by putting their contact information into a CSV file and uploading it.

On the Contacts page, click the 'Add Contact(s)' button on the right side and select the 'Upload CSV' option:

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That will take you to the Import Contacts page, where you can download our Contacts CSV template to be sure that your CSV is formatted correctly for upload.

Once you have your contacts in a CSV file that follows our template, you can click on the 'Upload file' icon to find your file or drag it into that same icon.

Once the file has been uploaded you'll have the opportunity to associate the contacts with one or more of your groups by selecting campaigns from the dropdown menu, as well as confirm the fields where each piece of contact data will be saved.


Confirm that these contacts have consented to receiving communications from you by checking the box, and click the 'Import Contacts' button to begin the import process.


Our platform will process the file and you'll receive an email when the import process has been completed. At that point the newly imported contacts will be available on the Contacts page :)image-png-Aug-28-2024-10-46-09-2270-PM


Last updated: August 28, 2024