Postal Code Lookup vs Address Based Lookup

Our tools give you the option of choosing either postal/zip code or address-based lookups. When you're configuring your campaign's Location-Based Targets, it's worth noting that postal code lookups are not as accurate as address-based lookups. However, they do guarantee a higher conversion rate for your campaigns.

Using postal codes is error-prone because a postal code can match multiple boundaries and because postal codes change constantly. 

With postal code lookups, you may sometimes get inaccurate results - this doesn't mean that the data in our system is incorrect. Our developers - in collaboration with Open North - are working hard to make postal code-based lookups more accurate.

Wondering how to use postal code and zip code-based validation on a tool targeting multiple countries? Find out how here!

For more on the inherent discrepancies of postal code-based lookups, check out these articles:

A User Reports an Inaccurate Postal Code

Open North on Postal Code Lookups