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  2. New/Mode Targeting and Datasets

Geolocated Custom Recipients

Organizations can now upload custom recipients with full addresses, further empowering your supporter base to make change happen in their respective community.

If you want your supporters to contact decision makers using their address but New/Mode doesn't have the dataset, we now have a solution! Geolocated datasets can be used to upload a list of decision makers in any of our supported countries as long as you have their email address and legislative address. Be it a school board or a local council not currently found in our datasets, users on our Teams plan and above can now upload a CSV of custom, geolocatable, recipients.

Start by creating a new campaign and clicking on  " + Custom Recipient ", then add your group from CSV. 

a screenshot of the custom recipients menu options

You can then upload your Custom Recipient Group from your files, and if you are not sure how to format your recipient's contact data here is our template.  

a screenshot of the custom recipients menu optionsAfter you have selected for contact csv have a look at the mapped columns and see if there are any alerts about missing data for any recipients. Any recipients that do not have address data will automatically be contacted by all your campaign supporters.

Your recipients group can be used again and again for future campaigns, by selecting from your custom options under 'Recipient Type'.