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  2. New/Mode Targeting and Datasets

Understand New/Mode Targets

A New/Mode Target is a decision-maker (politician, union rep, CEO) that is the focus of your campaign, and the recipient of the emails, calls, letters, faxes, and tweets sent by your supporters using our campaign tools.

New/Mode offers different options for how you can identify and set up the targets of your campaign, as well as some unique features that allow you to automatically personalize the content your supporters send to targets:


Location-Based Targeting

Location-based Targets are automatically determined by the address information that your supporter enters into a campaign tool. Our location-based targeting feature identifies the local representatives most relevant to your supporters and directs emails, tweets, calls, and faxes to the appropriate email addresses, Twitter accounts, and phone numbers.

Learn more about setting up Location-Based Targets here.

Custom Targeting

While New/Mode’s databases cover a lot of public political representatives, we know that your campaign might be targeting union reps, boards of directors, or media influencers. Custom Targets allow you to target any individual or organization with publicly available contact details, and to add you own database of target information to our system.

Learn more about setting up Custom Targets here.

All Target Types

Sometimes you want supporters to reach their local representatives and also contact additional targets beyond their individual district or riding. In those cases, you can use 'All Target Types' to combine both Location-based Targets and Custom Targets that will be contacted regardless of your supporters' location.

Fallback Targeting

Fallback targets are contacts that will be automatically used if an email, Tweet, call, or fax gets bounced back or if a supporter doesn’t have a representative associated with their address. We use fallback targets to make sure that a supporter can complete an action no matter what!

Learn more about adding fallback targets here.

Target Tokens 

Once an action by a supporter has found its target, our campaign tools can personalize communications by automatically entering the target’s name into salutations and other email/tweet/fax content. We do this by using personalization tokens.

Many of our tools are set up to include the names of targets by default:


You can use the token browser under a message field to add different tokens, like say if you want the salutation to read “Dear Prime Minister Trudeau,” rather than “Dear Justin.”

Learn more about filtering targets here!

Learn more about using tokens here!