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2021 Federal Election in Canada FAQ

We're updating candidate contact information continuously in the leadup to the election. If a candidate's data is publicly available but not yet in the New/Mode database please email us at support@newmode.net

Where can I select the Candidates dataset?

Why are some announced candidates missing?

How often is the candidate dataset updated?

When will the candidate dataset be completed?

How can I target party leaders in ridings with missing candidates?

How can I contribute candidate contact details?

Where can I select the Candidates dataset?

1. On the Basic Configuration page, set the action's Target Type(s) to Location-based Targets.

2. Search 'Election' in the Target(s) field and select the 'Federal election (2021)' dataset.

3. Click the 'Save & Next' button at the end of the page to save the target.

* If your organization is set as International, you'll need to select Canada from the 'Country/Region' drop-down menu in the Basic Settings section in order to see Canadian targets.

Selecting Federal Election Dataset

Why are some announced candidates missing?

We can add candidates to our dataset as they are announced, but they don't become usable targets until we're able to find contact details for them (email addresses, phone numbers, and Twitter handles).

If a candidate has announced their candidacy but there's no public source for their contact details yet we're not able to enable them as targets.

How often is the candidate dataset updated?

After the election was called we updated the dataset daily. Starting on August 23 we're updating it every other day, and will move to a weekly schedule the week of August 30.

When will the candidate dataset be completed?

Candidates can be nominated until August 30, and Elections Canada will publish a complete list of confirmed candidates on September 1. We'll continue to update our dataset as candidates announce their candidacies and provide contact information, and will finalise it on September 1. We'll also update our dataset after that date if needed.

How can I target party leaders in ridings with missing candidates?

To ensure that all of your supporters can reach a relevant target (even if some candidates in their riding don't have publicly available contact information yet), you can set the party leaders as fallback targets by followint the guide here.

How can I contribute candidate contact details?

Yes! If you notice that a recently announced candidate is not coming up for their riding and you have an accurate source for their contact information, please email us at support@newmode.net with a link to the source and we'll add them.

Note that we can't use @parl.gc.ca email addresses, as Parliament is temporarily dissolved during elections and those email addresses are inactive.


Last updated: August 24, 2021