Integrate New/Mode with EveryAction (v1)

This is a quick guide to syncing your New/Mode actions to EveryAction, from creating an integration in your organization to customizing field mapping on individual actions.

Adding an EveryAction integration to your Organization
Connecting your EveryAction integration with an Action
Syncing the fields in your Action to EveryAction
Syncing constant values in your Action to EveryAction
Passing an Activist Code ID or Source Code to EveryAction: Constant Value method, Hidden Component method

Adding an EveryAction integration to your Organization

Here's how to get EveryAction connected to your New/Mode campaign. This will allow the information in your campaign tool data fields to be mapped onto your CRM data fields. 

  1. Follow the steps to Create an Integration.
  2. Enter your EveryAction Application Name & API Key.
    You can find these details in your EveryAction account through the Main Menu: find the  Administrative Menu, click on 'Integrations', and open 'API Integrations'. 
    - If you already have an API Key you'll see the key and the Application Name listed. 
    - If you don't have an API Key already you'll need to generate a new one (you may need to contact the EveryAction support team to request an API key).
    Screen Shot 2020-03-24 at 9.29.04 AM
  3. Click Save at the bottom of the page. 

    You will be taken to your new Integration Setup page, where you'll be able to View or Edit it later:

    Screen Shot 2021-04-22 at 8.42.05 AM


    You can always get back to this page to Edit or View your Integration Setup by clicking the link that is now visible under Integrations on the right-hand side of your Dashboard:

    Integratios in dashboard

Connecting your EveryAction integration with an Action

In your New/Mode action, open the Edit tab, and scroll down to the Integrations section of the Basic Configuration page. Select your EveryAction integration from the 'CRM Integration' menu and click on 'Save & Next' to complete the process.

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Syncing the fields in your Action to EveryAction

Start by opening Advanced > CRM Integrations to arrive at the Sync Settings page:

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The Sync Settings page has three columns:

Webform Component EveryAction Field Name Operations
A list of the fields that supporters fill out on your action. A list of the user fields in EveryAction where the data from your action will be sent. Where you can edit your action's field to change the EveryAction field they're linked to.

If any of your action fields listed on the left-side column are not pointing to the field you want on the EveryAction field column, follow these steps:

2. Click on Edit.

3. Find the EveryAction API section and, under 'Target field in EveryAction', select the right target field from the drop-down menu.

4. Scroll down to the end of the page and click on the Save button to complete the process.

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Sync supporter addresses to EveryAction using the "Full Address" field

Syncing constant values in your Action to EveryAction

Constant Field Values are separate fields that allow you to attach other information to your supporter data.

  1. On the EveryAction People Field drop-down menu, select the field in EveryAction that this data should go to.
  2. Under Constant Value, enter the value that you'd like to be added to each Person and sent to the field you selected above. (You can also use tokens to send metadata from submissions to EveryAction).

    Screen Shot 2021-04-22 at 8.58.17 AM

Passing an Activist Code ID or Source Code to EveryAction

We have a couple of ways you can send an Activist Code ID to your EveryAction account, depending on where your action is embedded and whether you want to use tokens or not.

Unless you're planning on using tokens, passing an Activist Code ID as a Constant Value is the simplest way!

   Method    Action in Action Page
   Action in your website
   Constant Values    Doesn't support tokens    Supports tokens
  Hidden Component   Supports tokens   Supports tokens

Passing an Activist Code ID or Source Code as a Constant Value

EveryAction requires Origin Source Codes to be applied to a Person record within the first 24 hours after the record is created. If you pass on a Source Code to a Person record that's existed for longer than 24 hours, the Source Code won't be saved as that Person's Origin Source Code.

1. In EveryAction, find the Activist Code or the Source Code you want to use (or create and save a new one).

  • If you'll be using an Activist Code, copy its numeric ID.
  • If you'll be using a Source Code, you can copy its name or its numeric ID.

2. On the action in New/Mode, open Advanced > CRM Integrations, and click on 'Edit EveryAction API'.

3. On the next page, find the first Constant Value Field available:

  • On the EveryAction People Field drop-down menu, select 'Activist Code ID' or 'Source Code (name or ID)', depending on what kind of code you'll be passing.
  • In the Constant Value field below it, enter the Activist Code ID (numeric ID) or the Source Code (name or numeric ID) that you want to pass to EveryAction with each submission. (If you're embedding the action in your own website, you can use a token here instead of the Activist Code ID or Source Code itself).

4. Click the 'Save' button to save the changes. You're all set!

Passing an Activist Code ID or a Source Code through a Hidden Component

You can use the method below to send an Activist Code ID or Source Code to EveryAction right in the URL of the page where your action is embedded. (This will work whether you're using one of our Action Pages or a page on your own website).

EveryAction requires Origin Source Codes to be applied to a Person record within the first 24 hours after the record is created. If you pass on a Source Code to a Person record that's existed for longer than 24 hours, the Source Code won't be set as that Person's Origin Source Code.

1. In EveryAction, find the Activist Code or the Source Code you want to use (or create and save a new one).

  • If you'll be using an Activist Code, copy its numeric ID.
  • If you'll be using a Source Code, you can copy its name or its numeric ID.

2. On the action, open Advanced > Components. Near the bottom of the screen, you should see a blank component field: this is where you'll create your Activist Code ID or Source Code component.

3. Name the new component 'AC' for Activist Code ID or 'SC' for Source Code. (You can change the new component's label after you're done setting it up)

4. Select 'Hidden' from the type drop-down menu, and click the 'Add' button.

5. On the next page, copy and paste this token into the 'Default value' field:

  • If you created an 'AC' component (for Activist Code ID) use [current-page:query:ac]
  • If you created an 'SC' component (for Source Code) use [current-page:query:sc] instead.

AC component and value6. On the Send To section of the same page, select 'Activist Code ID' or 'Source Code (name or ID)' as the Target field in EveryAction, depending on the kind of code you'll be passing.
Activist Code ID field in EA dropdown

7. At the end of the page, under 'Hidden type', make sure that the component is set to 'Hidden element'.

Screenshot_2020-03-05 Edit component Source New Mode

8. Save the changes.

9. When sharing the page's URL, add a question mark followed by the component's form key, an equal sign, and the code you want to pass:

  • For an Activist Code ID, add "?ac=" at the end and include the numeric Activist Code ID after the '=':
  • For a Source Code, add "?sc=" at the end, followed by the ID or name of the Source Code after the '=':


Last updated: May 31, 2023