How do I use Unique Link Outreach with Luminate? (v1)

Unique Link Outreach allows you to create one time links for your contacts in Luminate. This means that your supporters can submit or participate on a New/Mode action with one click from an email blast. 

Step One: Ensure your Luminate integration is connected to your Action. Navigate to Advanced -> Unique Link Outreach.

Step Two: Enter the Group IDs of constituents to include. Separate each group with a comma (for example 12345,12346)

Step Three: Enter the Group IDs of constituents to exclude. This will exclude any constituents with this value, even if they are in a group defined in constituents to include. 

Step Four: Select the Custom Field To Target. Then, enter the Matching Field Value (ex. your Custom Field to Target is “Email Opt In,” and anybody opted in has the value of “1.” Enter “1” as the Matching Field Value). 

You can select multiple custom fields to target by selecting the add another button. If you don’t wish to select based on Custom Field To Target, simply leave the Matching Field Value blank.

Step Five: Under Link Settings, Select a custom field to map your unique links to from the drop-down menu. The unique links will overwrite any existing values in these fields. 

Step Six: Choose the unique link action. Prefilled Form will guide users to a New/Mode action with their contact information prefilled using Luminate data, whereas Submit Form will guide users to a thank you page (the form will automatically submit when the link is clicked). 

Step Seven: Press “Create Unique Links.” Our system will begin the process of creating the links, and will notify you when the process is complete.