New/Mode Knowledge Base
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New/Mode V1
Get Started with New/Mode v2
Campaigning Basics
New/Mode Dashboard Navigation
New/Mode Targeting and Datasets
Integrate Campaigns
Frequently Asked Questions
New/Mode V1
Creating and Managing your Advocacy Actions
Integrations and CRMS
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New/Mode Knowledge Base
New/Mode V1
Get Started with New/Mode v2
Campaigning Basics
New/Mode Dashboard Navigation
New/Mode Targeting and Datasets
Integrate Campaigns
Frequently Asked Questions
New/Mode V1
Creating and Managing your Advocacy Actions
Integrations and CRMS
New/Mode V1
New/Mode v1, accessed via is no longer supported and will remain active only until February 15th, 2025
Logging into your New/Mode Account (v1)
Navigate Your Dashboard (v1)
Create a Campaign (v1)
How do I create an action page for my action or campaign? (v1)
How to Set Up Social Cards for your Action Page (v1)
Call Action Submission and Analysis Data (v1)
Best practices to encourage custom letters
Meet our Letters to the Editors (LTE) Action (v1)
Create a LTE Tag Line
Create LTE Key Points
Start a LTE Tool with Basic Configuration
Create LTE Tool Content
Customize LTE Thank You Page
Add a LTE Call to Action
Understand Letters to the Editor Tool Components
Add a Petition Tool Header Image
Create Petition Action Content
Understand One-Click Petition Tool Components
Customize Petition Tool Thank You Page
Customize Petition Tool Thank You Email
Test Mode
Embed your Action and your Social Buttons
All about Social Share Buttons
Social Sharing tab won't save content (workaround)
Troubleshooting link previews on Facebook and Twitter social shares
Create a sign-up or RSVP form (v1)
Clone an Action (v1)
Set Up Thank You Pages & Thank You Emails (v1)
Get Published with the Letters to the Editors Action
Win Campaigns with Email and Petition Tools
Writing Messages to Targets
Get the Most Out of Personalization Tokens
Postal Code Lookup vs Address Based Lookup
Design Powerful Landing Pages
Adapt, Revise, and Update Supporter Content
How to Write a Great Call to Action
Tailor Campaign Tools to Your Audience
Use the Calling Tool for Maximum Impact
Get Campaign Tools Working Together
Activate Your Middle
Choosing your Campaign Tools
What are Campaigns and Advocacy Actions? (v1)
How do I create an Integration? (v1)
How do I use the Contacts tab? (v1)
Get to Know Analytics (v1)
Creating and Managing your Advocacy Actions
Get to Know the Preview Tab
Create and Manage Templates
Meet our Petition Action
Start a Petition Tool with Basic Configuration
Launch, Retire, or Archive my Action
Manually Approve Submissions
Translating an Action
Use Auto-Approval
Edit the Action Button Label
Create or Edit Email Opt In Components in Advanced Settings
Personalization Tokens
Disable Message Editing
Customize Labels, Descriptions, and Placeholder Text
Use Goal Meters
How do I move the Submit Button on my New/Mode form?
Add Personalized Email Salutations for Targets
Get to Know the Submissions Tab
Use Look and Feel
See more
Integrations and CRMS
How do I use Unique Link Outreach with Luminate? (v1)
How do I export my contacts & data?
Integrate New/Mode with ActionKit (v1)
Integrate New/Mode with Mailchimp (v1)
Sync Action Components to Your CRM (v1)
Integrate New/Mode with HubSpot (v1)
Integrate New/Mode with NationBuilder (v1)
Integrate New/Mode with EveryAction (v1)
Integrate New/Mode with Salesforce (v1)
Integrate New/Mode with Engaging Networks (v1)
Integrate New/Mode with iMIS (v1)
Track Submission Source (v1)
Manage CRM Syncing in Submissions (v1)
Integrate New/Mode with Action Network (v1)
How can I sync Opt-In Status and other New/Mode components over to Luminate fields? (v1)
How do I export and download supporter data
New/Mode IP Addresses (v1)
What’s the difference between Analytics and Analysis?
Bulk Download PDFs of Supporter Messages
Integrating Luminate with New/Mode (v1)
Analyze Submission Data
Integrate New/Mode with CiviCRM (v1)
Testing Your CRM Integration (v1)
Using the New/Mode API (v1)
See more