How do I customize my message's opening and closing salutation

In order to ensure consistency in your messages, we now allow you to edit the opening and closing salutations seperately from the rest of the letter. This means you can allow users to edit the letter, without fear that they'll also edit the tokens. 


Step One: Navigate to the content page, and scroll down to Target Content

Step Two: Create your opening salutation. Feel free to use one of our User Friendly Tokens to personalize the salutation. 

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Step Three: Create your closing salutation. Like the opening salutation, feel free to use one of our User Friendly Tokens to personalize the salutation. 

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Optional: Scroll up to Target Content Settings. Under Message Settings, you can choose whether to Show opening and closing salutation on the form or hide it. If you choose to display it, it will appear as uneditable markup text. If you choose to hide it, it will not generate on the form.