We're excited to have you onboard, and we can't wait to see what you do with our powerful campaign engagement tools. This Knowledge Base should serve as a reference point and strategic planning resource as you develop and manage your campaigns.
To get started with New/Mode, you'll need to begin by setting up your Organization, starting a campaign, and creating your first tool. In that order! We have a handy walkthrough which will guide you through these first few steps.
As you create and manage your campaigns, you can draw on the New/Mode Knowledge Base to:
- Follow detailed walkthroughs for setting up each of our campaign engagement tools.
- Get to know your Organization's dashboard, set up Integrations, and track the success of your campaign using features like A/B Testing and Submission Data.
- Understand how to set up Targets. Targets are the decision-makers that will be the focus of your campaign actions.
- Familiarize yourself with Advanced configurations and settings.